Riv.Mat.Univ.Parma (6) 1 (1998)


A note on the matrix representations of the Lie algebras Lr for quantized Hamiltonians where rs=0

Pages: 149-154
Received: 16 February 1998   
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 17B81

Abstract: Consider the Lie algebras Lsr: [K+,K-]=sK0,[K0,K±]= ± rK±; r,s in R, K0 is a Hermitian operator and K-= K++. In [4], [5] the faithful matrix representations of Lsr and c Lsr were discussed for rsdifferent from 0. In this note we consider the case rs = 0. We prove L00 has three types of faithful 3-dimensional representations, as the least dimension, while Ls0,s different from 0 and L0r,r different from 0. In this note we consider the case rs = 0. We prove L00 has three types of faithful 3-dimensional representations, as the least dimension, while Ls0,s different from 0 and L0r,r different from 0 have none.

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