Riv.Mat.Univ.Parma (6) 3* (2000)


Problemi di prima attuazione del corso dei laurea di scienze della formazione primaria nelle facoltà di scienze della formazione

In memoria di Francesco Speranza

Pages: 63-70
Received: 10 Gennaio 2000   
Revised: 14 Giugno 2000
Mathematics Subject Classification: 97B40 - 97B50 - 97B70

Abstract: In this article we compare the needs for the cultural and professional education of primary school teachers with the regulations of the new university degree in Primary School Education (Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria) and its first realizations.

Our goal is to stress the very limited and insufficient consideration given to the scientific education.
We hope that the present article will be a starting point of discussion and that some evolution in the regulations will occur to rightly integrate the sciences among the fundamental constituents of primary school teachers education.

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