Riv.Mat.Univ.Parma (6) 3* (2000)


Un progetto di avvio al pensiero algebrico: esperienze, risultati, problemi

In memoria di Francesco Speranza

Pages: 153-181
Received: 16 Febbraio 2000   
Mathematics Subject Classification: 97C30 - 97D50

Abstract: We trace an overview on our project for the renewal of the teaching and learning of algebra in middle school, aimed at an approach of algebraic language for the modelization and at giving meaning and motivation to the study of the objects of Algebra. Particularly we scketch the main results of the studies realized either from the teachers'point of view or from the pupils'one. Moreover we recall the role of the teachers in the development of the project and we finish with some considerations on its fruibility at large.

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