Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2021

János Pintz [a]

An approximate formula for Goldbach's problem with applications

Pages: 181-199
Received: 17 February 2020
Accepted in revised form: 29 June 2020
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary 11P32; Secondary 11L07.
Keywords: Binary Goldbach problem, Goldbach-Linnik problem, approximations to Goldbach’s problem.
Author address:
[a]: Rényi Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Reáltanoda u. 13-15, H-1053 Hungary

Supported by the National Research Development and Innovation Office, NKFIH, K 119528 and KKP 133819.

Full Text (PDF)

Abstract: In the work we present an approximate formula for the contribution of the major arcs in Goldbach’s problem as a function of a relatively small number of zeros of Dirichlet L-functions, lying extreme near to the boundary line Re s=1. This formula plays a crucial role in the proof of various approximate forms of the Goldbach conjecture. The applications include the estimate of the size of the exceptional set in Goldbach’s problem, the so-called Goldbach-Linnik problem and the estimate of the size of the exceptional set in polynomial sequences. The asymptotic formula is quoted without proof while a brief outline is given for the applications. This work is based partly on a joint result of the author and I. Z. Ruzsa, while another part is based on a work in preparation, joint with A. Perelli.

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